Safety Is Sexy

Why your happiest moments have nothing to do with self-actualization

Abraham Maslow was wrong.

I’m not a renowned psychologist, but I say we don't need a five-layer pyramid to be happy. We just need to feel safe and loved. That’s all we need.

But what about self-actualization, Parves? What about achieving your full potential? What about becoming that best version everyone keeps talking about?

Ok, pops, let me explain.

Yeahhhh, those aren't needs. They're wants. Nice-to-haves.

They're YouTube captions for people selling you courses.

Think about it.

When was the last time you thought about self-actualization while hungry? Or worried about social status when you're late on rent?

What we really need is simple: food in our belly, a roof over our heads, and people who we can love.

Everything else? Bonus points in the game of life.

Look at your happiest moments. They probably involve:

  • Food and laughter with people who get you

  • A safe space where you can just be

  • Someone saying "I got you" — and actually meaning it

That's why that job promotion doesn't feel as good as a movie night with old friends. Sure, it hits different in the beginning, but it's not a core memory.

It's also why a Michelin-star meal can't beat mom's cooking — plus, you don't want to get smacked in the head. 

And why a text at 3 am means more than a LinkedIn endorsement. Not a booty call.

Maslow built a pyramid. I'm saying we only need a foundation.

The rest is just decoration.


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