Morning gym/workout


I'll bet my house* on this: morning workouts are the best.

They’re done, out of the way, and you feel great afterward. And if I get in an ice bath, OOF, it’s a peak pleasure early in the morning.

But. Yes, there is a but.

Morning workouts aren’t the best in terms of peak effort. The curtains (eyelids) want to remain closed, and the body is fighting to get to bed. So, in most cases, the workouts are 75%, which is not bad, but the same workout in the afternoon or early evening is FIRE.

But. Yes, another but.

Now, if I do SMASH the workout—even if it’s a quick 20-minute high-intensity session—I’m tired AF at work and can’t function. Nope, no amount of coffee or energy drinks makes a difference.

There is no resolution here, friends. But for now, while a 100% workout is fantastic, I still prefer to get in a 75% and get it out of the way.

*full disclosure: I don't have a house.


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