Busy For the Sake of Being Busy

No purpose. No intention.

Many things to do.
Many people to meet.
Many coffees to have.

And it's all "important," right?

Can't let them down.
Can't miss an opportunity.
Can't say no to that coffee catch-up.

What if it leads to something?

Everything has potential.
Everything is a priority.
Everything is urgent.

Which means nothing really is.

Scheduling meetings to reduce meetings
Busy telling everyone how busy they are
Making plans to make more plans

It's everywhere.

Funny how "busy" became our status symbol.
Our default response.
Our identity.

"Sorry, I'm busy" busy.
"Let's catch up soon" busy.
"I should really respond to that message" busy.
"I'll get to it after this meeting" busy.
"Just one more email" busy.
"Maybe next week" busy.

The calendar is full but somehow empty.
The days are packed, but something's missing.

The more available we try to be for everything,
The less available we are for anything.
For the stuff that matters.
For the people that matter.
For ourselves.

We're so busy being busy,
we forgot what we're busy for.

Maybe it's time to be busy with purpose.
Not just busy to be busy.


or to participate.